Quest:The Roads Near Herne

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The Roads Near Herne
Level 20
Type Solo
Starts with Brioc
Starts at Herne
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [49.4S, 44.6W]
Quest Group Cardolan
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Herne stands on a rocky plateau overlooking Ruddymore, and the road takes a wide loop around the town. Do you think you could go to the cross-roads to the west and to the north of Herne, and look for any signs of danger? A foul mood has settled upon the town in recent days, and I grow increasingly worried that some evil might have set its sights upon this town where I was born.

'I don't remember it being like this in all my years, and my sister and I have lived here all our lives.'


Brioc wants you to scout for potential dangers on the road that encircles Herne.

Objective 1

  • Find the cross-road west of Herne
  • Look for dangers to Herne at the western cross-road
  • Find the cross-road north of Herne
  • Look for dangers to Herne at the northern cross-road

Brioc asked you to look for threats to Herne at two cross-roads near the town: one to the west, and one to the north.

This is one of the cross-roads Brioc wanted you to scout
No obvious threats make themselves known at this cross-road north of Herne
This is one of the cross-roads Brioc wanted you to scout
All is quiet at this meeting of the ways west of Herne

Objective 2

Brioc is in the northern reaches of the town of Herne, waiting for your report.

Brioc: 'You saw nothing worrisome either to the west or to the north of Herne? That is a relief. Thank you for setting my mind at ease.'